Monday 29 October 2012

My move to Blogger

Well, I've decided to try blogging again, and as my hubby has decided that my old domain wasn't worth keeping, I'm here with Blogger.  Seems to make sense.  I just now need to make it look pretty, and work out where I had links, and try to update them.

I'm going to be talking mainly about crafty projects, so my new found interest in sewing, and also the crafty things I'm getting up to with the children, who are growing up scarily fast.  Henry seems to like baking a lot - but I'm not sure whether that's mostly because he likes licking the bowl when we're done!  Evie is my much more creative little soul and loves to make anything and everything.  She's showing a lot of interest in sewing and knitting and spends a lot of time drawing and sticking one thing to another!

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